We are very excited about the installation of our new playground happening this spring/summer. Renters should know that parts of our grounds are unavailable at this time. There is ample space for outdoor seating and activities however. Please reach out if you have concerns about your upcoming rental.
Farm to Table Lunch all ages
Mark June 29th on your calendar for our farm to table lunch celebrating local produce from the clarington area. All ages welcome. Please register using the info on the poster or visit www.clarington.net and search for our lunch in the Activities section.
Kitchen Party Tonight
- A few last minute reminders for tonight’s concert.
- cash only. Bar and silent auction fundraiser require cash.
- parking in parking lot and along sound side of 8th parking north/west. Be cautious and bring a light.
- doors open 6:45. Music to begin at 7:30. Two intermissions between musicians.
- all online tickets are sold out. We do not have tickets for sale at the door. Contact haydoncommunityhall@gmail.com to sell or buy tickets. We will do our best to facilitate this but no guarantees
Community Clean-up and Pancake Lunch
In honour of earth day and to show our love of Haydon, we are hosting our annual community clean up and pancake lunch on Sunday April 23rd. Meet at the hall 2503 concession 8, at 10am for gloves and bags and to get a route. Come back for lunch 11:3o. A great way to connect with new neighbours in a casual setting and do a good thing for our neighbourhood!
New Kitchen Renovation
We are so pleased to announce we have upgraded our kitchen with the help of the talented Tim and Jamie from the Municipality of Clarington. New countertops, cupboard space and tiled backsplash will make our kitchen more efficient for your family gatherings and events. Our kitchen is well stocked with ample dish and glass wear, cutlery and serving items as well as kettles, coffee makers and more. See gallery on the rental page for pictures of all that we have stocked for your use.
March and SPRING News
Below find a list of our classes. We tend to post regularly on Facebook and Instagram to inform people about our goings on. Please follow us! Or email haydoncommunityhall@gmail.com
Our fitness classes will be starting again for the spring term. Below you will find the classes and who to contact if you’d like to sign up.
Mondays: Yoga with Stevie. 7-8pm. $90/10classes. Must be paid in full. 10 classes beginning March 8-May29 excluding March break 03/13, Easter Monday 04/10, and Victoria Day Monday 05/22.
Contact steviejudd@live.com
Tuesdays: 20/20/20 55+ a class combining cardio, stretching and strength work. 10 classes from 9:30-10:25am. This class is hosted by the Municipality of Clarington contact Tel. 905.623.3379 or www.activecommunities.com to enrol and see the cost
Wednesdays: yoga with Louise 7-8pm 90$/ 10 classes must be paid in full in advance.
Wednesday April 5-June 7.
Contact findtime4yoga@gmail.com to enrol and ask questions about the class.
Thursday: morning yoga with Louise 9-10am $90/10 classes must be paid in full.
Thursday March 30-June 1 Contact Louise at findtime4yoga@gmail.com
We will be running our third, 6 week session of ballroom dancing with Meredith Kahn This class has been a huge hit filling up quickly! We can hold 8 couples for the session. We cover three dances, spending two weeks on each one. We may learn more if time allows This class is a great date night with your loved one or friend. Please email haydoncommunityhall@gmail.com or watch for posts on Facebook
Easter Family Fun: we will host a fun Easter event over the Easter weekend dates to follow
May 6: HAYDON KITCHEN PARTY stay tuned for details This event is a concert with bar and Krumbs pizza it is a fundraiser for our hall Tickets $35 available soon through Brown Paper Tickets
Farm to Table Lunch: Thursday, June 29, 12-1pm. we will host a lunch in partnership with the Municipality of Clarington. We will highlight a local menu using foods in season and the majority grown in Clarington ! Sign up is with the Municipality of Clarington active communities details to follow and watch for posts on Facebook. This will be an ALL AGES LUNCH!
Our rentals are picking up for the spring season. With a spiffed up kitchen, lovely light filled main hall, 2 fresh bathrooms and our gardens in bloom, $250 is a great deal! Everything is included in the rental. A new playground is planned for the spring! Stay tuned.
February News
Big news at Haydon Hall is our skating rink. It is free to use any time by anyone at all. The building is however not accessible.
If you rent the hall you have private access to the rink! Great idea for a birthday party or just a winter gathering of friends. Contact our email or call us for info or to reserve your date.
Community skate snack winter fun coming up Feb 12 Details to follow Facebook is the best source of finding up to date info about our events
We have been renovating our kitchen and are almost ready for the big reveal. It’s bright and fresh with new countertop, backsplash, fridge and a fresh coat of paint. Pictures coming soon
We continue our Monday and Wednesday evening yoga classes as well as our Thursday am yoga and Tuesday am 20/20/20. Follow us on Facebook to enrol in our next session starting the week after March break. We may be adding a Yin yoga class as well.
Session 2 of ballroom dancing is in full swing. 6sessions for $175 per couple. We will host another session in the spring if there is interest. Call or email to be put on the waiting list.
The last Tuesday of each month, a sound meditation gong bath is held at our hall. Contact @into _the _space_ on Instagram or lesleebell00@gmail.com for info or to book.
Our hall is available to rent week days and weekends. Hourly weekday rental is $30/hr with a minimum of two hours. We only rent full days on weekends. $250 per day which gives you full access to all the new kitchen has to offer as well as the grounds.
January News
Happy New year from Haydon Hall. Some news from us:
Monday and Wednesday night, and Thursday am yoga classes starting the week in January 10. Contact us at haydoncommunityhall@gmail.com for details
20/20/20 fitness classes offered Tuesday’s beginning jan10. Contact the municipality of clarington be active website to enroll. Only 3 spaces left!
Once the weather cooperates we invite you to skate on our new rink. Stay tuned and follow us on Facebook for up to date info
Our Haydon Library is in place. Pull into our parking lot and browse the selection of books donated by our community.
As usual our hall is for rent. Check out the rental page for prices and pictures lots of space for January and February at this point. $250 for full day rental.
We look forward to a kitchen renovation mid January. New cupboards and backsplash as well as counter top to update the look and make accessing equipment easier.
Haydon History Talk
Please join us for an evening of stories and tales of Haydon History. This evening is presented by the Clarington Museum and Archives. We hope to learn a little more about our community, the businesses and activities that once thrived here, as well as some info about surrounding villages of Tyrone and Enniskillen. This event is free of charge. Light refreshments will be offered.
Kids Halloween Event
Join us for another great Kids event at the Haydon Community Hall
This event is FREE.
10:30 am-12:30 pm Sunday October 23rd
Great chance to meet new Haydon and surrounding area neighbours
Contact us via email haydoncommunityhall@gmail.com if you have questions
No registration needed. Just come!